Maintenance and Calibration of Asphalt Pavers

By | July 14, 2023

Maintenance and calibration are essential for ensuring the proper operation and accurate performance of asphalt pavers. Here are some tips for the maintenance and calibration of asphalt pavers:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep the asphalt paver clean by removing debris, excess asphalt, and other materials from the machine. This prevents buildup that can affect performance and accuracy.
  2. Lubrication: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for lubricating the moving parts of the paver. Regular lubrication helps reduce friction, prevents wear, and ensures smooth operation.
  3. Inspection and Replacement of Wear Parts: Regularly inspect wear parts such as screeds, augers, conveyor belts, and track pads. Replace any worn or damaged parts to maintain proper paving quality and prevent breakdowns.
  4. Belt Tension Adjustment: Check and adjust the tension of the conveyor belts regularly. Proper tension ensures smooth material flow and prevents slippage.
  5. Screed Adjustment and Leveling: Regularly check and adjust the screed to ensure it is level and at the desired paving width. Proper screed adjustment helps achieve accurate and uniform asphalt thickness.
  6. Calibration of Sensors and Controls: Calibration is crucial for accurate paving performance. Calibrate the sensors and controls of the asphalt paver according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This includes the slope sensors, grade controls, and screed extensions. Regular calibration ensures precise paving and adherence to project specifications.
  7. Check and Maintain Electrical and Hydraulic Systems: Inspect the electrical and hydraulic systems for any signs of wear, leaks, or malfunctions. Check and replace faulty components, hoses, or connectors to ensure proper operation.
  8. Temperature Control: Maintain proper temperature control of the asphalt mix during paving. Monitor and adjust the temperature of the asphalt material to ensure it remains within the recommended range for optimal paving quality.
  9. Routine Maintenance Schedule: Create a routine maintenance schedule for the asphalt paver based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. This should include tasks such as fluid changes, filter replacements, belt inspections, and calibration checks. Adhere to the maintenance schedule to keep the paver in good working condition.
  10. Operator Training: Provide proper training to the operators to ensure they understand the maintenance procedures and can perform routine checks. Operators should be aware of signs of equipment issues and report them promptly to the maintenance team.
  11. Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of maintenance activities, calibration dates, and any repairs or replacements performed on the asphalt paver. This documentation helps track maintenance intervals, identify recurring issues, and ensures a history of the machine for future reference.
Maintenance and Calibration of Asphalt Pavers

Maintenance and Calibration of Asphalt Pavers illustration

It is important to consult the specific manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for maintenance procedures, calibration techniques, and intervals for your particular model of asphalt paver. Following proper maintenance and calibration practices will help prolong the lifespan of the paver, optimize paving quality, and reduce downtime due to equipment issues.


Q: What is asphalt paver maintenance?

A: Asphalt paver maintenance refers to the regular care and upkeep of the machine to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. It includes tasks such as cleaning, lubrication, inspection of wear parts, calibration of sensors and controls, checking electrical and hydraulic systems, and following a routine maintenance schedule.

Q: Why is asphalt paver maintenance important?

A: Maintenance is important for several reasons. It helps prevent breakdowns and equipment failures, ensures accurate and uniform paving, reduces downtime, extends the lifespan of the asphalt paver, maintains paving quality, and promotes safety on the job site.

Q: How often should I clean the asphalt paver?

A: The asphalt paver should be cleaned regularly, preferably after each use. Cleaning helps remove debris, excess asphalt, and other materials that can affect the machine’s performance and accuracy. Pay particular attention to areas such as the screed, conveyors, and augers.

Q: What parts of the asphalt paver should be lubricated?

A: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for lubrication points on the asphalt paver. Typical areas that require lubrication include bearings, chains, gears, pivot points, and movable parts. Proper lubrication reduces friction, prevents wear, and ensures smooth operation.

Q: How often should I inspect and replace wear parts?

A: Wear parts should be inspected regularly, ideally before each use, to identify any signs of wear or damage. Replace worn or damaged parts promptly to maintain proper paving quality and prevent unexpected breakdowns. The frequency of replacement may vary depending on factors such as usage and operating conditions.

Q: Why is calibration important for asphalt pavers?

A: Calibration ensures that the sensors and controls of the asphalt paver are accurately measuring and adjusting the paving parameters. This includes slope sensors, grade controls, and screed extensions. Proper calibration is crucial for achieving precise paving results and meeting project specifications.

Q: How often should I calibrate the asphalt paver?

A: Calibration frequency may vary based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, project requirements, and any changes to the paving setup. However, it is generally advised to calibrate the asphalt paver regularly, ideally before each new project or when significant adjustments are made to the machine.

Q: What should be included in the routine maintenance schedule for an asphalt paver?

A: A routine maintenance schedule for an asphalt paver typically includes tasks such as fluid changes, filter replacements, belt inspections, lubrication, calibration checks, and general inspections. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for specific maintenance intervals and procedures.

Q: How important is operator training for asphalt paver maintenance?

A: Operator training is crucial for asphalt paver maintenance. Operators should be knowledgeable about routine maintenance procedures, be able to perform basic checks and inspections, and understand the signs of equipment issues. Proper training helps operators contribute to the machine’s upkeep and report any maintenance needs promptly.

Q: Can I perform asphalt paver maintenance myself, or should I hire professionals?

A: Some routine maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and basic inspections, can be performed by operators themselves. However, more complex maintenance tasks, calibration, and repairs are often best left to trained professionals or authorized technicians who have the necessary expertise and equipment.

Q: How can I find additional information about asphalt paver maintenance?

A: Consult the manufacturer’s documentation and guidelines for specific maintenance instructions and recommendations. Additionally, equipment dealers, industry publications, and online resources can provide valuable insights and information on asphalt paver maintenance best practices.

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